DeCesare Retirement Specialists


Our featured article of the month, Retirement Realities, answers some frequently asked questions about retirement expectations. Online calculators are certainly helpful with projecting figures out many years, but they lack any nuance. Even the systems used by financial planners provide figures and calculations without taking into account the reality of life. Experience and counsel are...

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Our featured article of the month, Does Your Portfolio Fit Your Lifestyle?, delves into the understanding that retirement income planning, while numerically driven, can largely be influenced by lifestyle. After non-discretionary expenses are covered, choices made within the discretionary income expenditures are focused on the goals and wants of your desired existence. Understanding your desires...

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Our featured article of the month, IRA Deadlines are Approaching, provides the necessary deadlines for meeting such items as current and prior year IRA contributions, Required Minimum Distributions (RMD)s and some tips on not getting your contributions confused for either past or current year. RMDS must be taken by the last day of the calendar...

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Our featured article of the month, Secure Act 2.0, describes how in the final days of 2022, Congress passed a new set of retirement rules designed to make it easier to contribute to retirement plans and access those funds earmarked for retirement. The law is called SECURE 2.0, and it's a follow-up to the Setting Every Community...

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Our featured article of the month, The Behavior Gap and Your Financial Health, describes something all of us humans can succumb to now and again; emotional reactions. This article touches on times in invesment markets when emotions are high, like now, which leads to many investors making poor financial decisions. Depending on your situation and your investment...

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