DeCesare Retirement Specialists


Our featured article of the month, Election 2024, attempts to provide some context over a hotly debated election and foresight on future expectations as it relates to the economy and investments. Elections and investment markets can become very emotional at various points in time. However, in both cases life moves on, things calm down and...

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Our featured article of the month, Wise Decisions with Retirement in Mind, highlights some of the larger goals that should be explored prior to ultimately making the decision to retire. While the article describes some sound prudent steps to help you determine your retirement readiness, others speak to the retirement lifestyle you are seeking to obtain. For instance,...

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We are pleased to announce that Steve DeCesare, CFP® has won the 2020 New Jersey Five Star Wealth Manager award! By earning this exclusive honor, Steve has demonstrated a commitment to clients. Please offer Steve your congratulations. Each year, Five Star Professional partners with New Jersey Monthly to recognize an outstanding group of New Jersey wealth managers...

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