DeCesare Retirement Specialists


Our featured article of the month, Caring for Aging Parents, helps you start the difficult conversation many of us have had to engage in. The" sandwhich generation", those with aging parents and young children, are increasingly finding themselves in this challenging predicament. Ultimately, having to parent both our children and our parents is a major...

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Our featured article of the month, Immediate vs. Deferred Annuities explains some of the basic differences between these long used retirement vehicles. In the past few decades, pensions have become few and far between, especially within the private sector. Having similar traits, annuities have secured a consistent presence in the retirement planning industry. The reason?...

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Our featured article of the month, What Happens When There Are No Beneficiaries, outlines the common steps utilized when determining the benficiary of an investment or proceeds from an insurance policy. As stated, most retirement plans will default to the surviving spouse, by state law, even if no beneficiary is listed on the plan account. Of...

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Our featured article of the month, Before You Claim Social Security, poses some preliminary questions that should be considered prior to making your claim. Ironically, the most pressing question is also the most difficult one to answer. How long will you live? For obvious reasons, that question is rather impossible to answer with true accuracy....

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